Adaptive Garage Door Repair Solutions – Emergencies for Commercial & Residential Clients

Replace and repair all parts of your garage doors. Decades of experience

Ensure that your garage door repair service provider is an experienced and reliable professional to avoid additional post-service costs. Book Your Service Online.

We love hearing from clients and helping them resolve their issues. Either submit the contact form on the website or call us and we will get back to you as soon as possible. We are available for emergency repair so you can call us anytime, any day. Thank you for your interest in our services.

Services Profix Reparation porte de garage montreal
Services Profix Reparation porte de garage montreal

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We repair and fix garage door problems with honesty and integrity.

We are trained and experienced handymen who are specialized in repairing, installing, and maintaining garage door systems.

We have special tools to help us replace your string with the right well fitted part. This is a job for a trained professional, do not attempt to replace it yourself.

There are many consequential issues that can arise from a broken opener. From remote control issues, to the garage door not closing all the way etc. We can try to fix your existing opener or replace is with a new one.

This can be caused by faulty openers, jamming wheels, or cables. We can help you fix that.

Let us easily help you replace your garage door panels so they can look brand new again.

Ensure you garage door stays well insulated.

A very common issue that will require a multi-part repair service.

We got all the major brands for our customers.

Whatever the issue is with you garage door we are confident in our ability to resolve all issues.

Apart from the above-mentioned, we also:

Sale a wide variety of garage doors in all styles and form, including custom made garage doors.

Professional installation of garage door systems, which comes with craftsmanship warranty on our work.